Apex - Bio Fungicide Manufacturer

The manufacturer and supplier Jaivik uses natural Conidiospores and Trichoderma harzianum as well as microorganisms from a standard soil composition to make their bio fungicide products which serve as instrumental compounds. The Bio Fungicide Supplier uses natural microorganisms for its production while providing an environmentally friendly replacement to chemical fungicides. The microorganism within the bio-fungicide attacks plant pathogens which trigger soil-borne fungal diseases, resulting in protective plant growth in tomato, chilli, potato, brinjal, pomegranate and greenhouse and floricultural crops. Its benefit over chemical fungicides is maintained since pathogens develop resistance to chemical fungicides and customers widely accept this bio fungicide.

Bio fungicide serves as an optimal solution for managing diseases throughout all crop and plant varieties, including field and horticulturally relevant plants. This bio fungicide presented under the brand name Apex integrates top Eco friendly aspects along with significant strengths by replacing chemical fungicide in present-day use. Consumers can buy different package sizes at attractive market prices.

Brief on Apex – Bio Fungicide:

Used as On Any Field Crops and/or Horticultural Crops
Dose 20ml/15liter of water
Recommended Time At any time
Function To control Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Rust, Blight, Ring Spot, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose etc.
Content Conidiospores and Trichoderma harzianum
Compatibility Compatible with most of all pesticides/ fungicides/ PGR
Pack In HDPE bottles and Jar
Packing Available 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 L
Bulk Packing 50 L
Minimum Order Quantity 200 L
apex - Bio Fungicide Manufacturer