Eliminate pests, preserve nature with Laser bio-insecticide

Jaivik is an eminent manufacturer, supplier, and exporter in the domestic as well as international market for introducing incredible biotechnological innovation in terms of bio insecticide, which is completely nonhazardous for humans, animals, and the environment. The grounds behind its harmless quotient is, it is made of the organic extracts from microbes and plants like Alkaloid, Fatty Acid, and Neem oil that has the ability to considerably control the threat of Thrips, Mites, and white fly that porch on the flowers, fruits, and leaves and feed them, resulting in the pale, splotchy and dead crops. One can get rid of such insects immediately by spraying this bioinsecticide at the time of the disease and it does not cause any burning in case of overdoing.

This bio insecticide is equally effective for the field crop as well as horticulture crops and has gained considerable popularity in agriculture due to its economic rates besides efficacy. This bio insecticide is available under the brand name Laser and is available in miscellaneous packaging options and sizes in order to fulfill the requirements of the individual in a timely manner.

Brief on Laser – Bio Insecticide:

Used as On
During the pest stage of the insect
20ml/15liter of water
Recommended TimeAt the time of Pest attack
FunctionTo control all types of White Fly at any stage and also when heavy attack of White Fly
ContentAlkaloid, Fatty Acid and Neem oil
CompatibilityMix with most of all pesticides/ fungicides/PGR
Pack InHDPE bottles
Packing Available50 ml/ 100 ml/ 250 ml/ 500 ml/ 1 L
Bulk Packing50 L /200 L
Minimum Order Quantity200 L